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Why is hot weather dangerous?

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3 minutes

Temperatures exceeding 30 degrees Celsius are an opportunity to look at what short and long-term threats are associated with the annual heatwave. Let us remember that although all the points mentioned above apply to those in Poland, in other areas of the world the phenomena occurring are not only more intense. Their effects of heat can be much more dangerous, and their inhabitants have fewer solutions to save health and life.

1. Illness and heat

In hot weather, the body is exposed to extremely harsh conditions, and weakness and dehydration may require medical attention. This is especially important because it is easy to miss the first symptoms that allow you to react to a worsening condition yourself. High temperatures are especially dangerous for people with heart and circulatory diseases, but regardless of your health, it is necessary to stay hydrated, avoid sun exposure and exercise.

2. Water pollution due to temperature

High temperatures lead to an increase in the concentration of pollutants in the water, which is why it is so important to use a proven and tested source of drinking water. Intense rainfall occurring in the summer months, followed by flooding and flooding, bring with them bacterial and chemical contamination that destroys drinking water sources, so you should follow the messages informing about potential threats and bans.

3. Effect of heat on well-being

Heat is not without significance for our psyche. Physical fatigue, shortness of breath and sleep problems can lead to anxiety, stress, slow thinking and frustration. An additional source of stress may be the loss of a source of income during a drought or the problem with obtaining sufficient amounts of food or the feeling of helplessness in the face of the weather. Temperature can also negatively affect the absorption of certain medications, reducing their effectiveness.

4. Power shortages

Intensive cooling of rooms using air conditioning can lead to power shortages and power outages. Power plants use water from rivers and lakes to cool their devices, and there may be too little or too warm water to effectively reduce the temperature of the units, and thus maintain uninterrupted operation. In places where gensets are commonly used, the cost of fuel purchases seriously burdens the family budget, threatening its safety.

5. Weather-caused fires

A fire hazard is inevitable in periods of prolonged heat. Fire not only destroys houses and crops – windborne pollutants also settle in the area not affected by the fire, releasing toxic substances into the ground and water over the years. Even when we are not close to danger, it is important to regularly check the health of the respiratory tract, because staying in areas where fires are common can lead to chronic diseases.



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