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Donate 1,5%

1,5% for PMM

We provide life-saving aid. Donate 1.5% of your tax to PMM and help us make a difference.

KRS 0000162022

Settle your PIT now

Donate your 1,5% for PMM

Thanks to the funds obtained from the 1.5%, we provide medical assistance where it is most needed. We offer medical care and life-saving equipment to thousands of people every year. We help women give birth safely, even in times of war and humanitarian disasters. We provide specialized treatment for severely malnourished children.

How can I donate my 1,5%?

  1. Calculate your tax by completing the relevant PIT declaration at the Tax Office or approving the settlement in the E-DEKLARACJE system if you file your PIT online. Fill in the section “APPLICATION TO TRANSFER 1.5% OF THE TAX DUE TO A PUBLIC BENEFIT ORGANIZATION (OPP).” (If you fill out the declaration traditionally at the Tax Office, you will find this information in sections K and L). Enter the following data:
  3. REQUESTED AMOUNT (cannot exceed 1.5% of the tax due, round down if needed) In the “ADDITIONAL INFORMATION” section, be sure to fill in the DETAILED PURPOSE field. Submit/approve your PIT. The Tax Office will transfer 1.5% of your tax to medical assistance. DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO DONATE 1.5% IN E-DEKLARACJE.

Frequently asked questions:

To whom will the 1.5% of my tax go?

The entire collected amount is allocated to our statutory purposes, namely medical assistance programs for individuals suffering from the consequences of wars and disasters. Details can be found in the “What We Do” section.

Why was it 1%, and now it’s 1.5%?

This change results from the introduction of the New Deal program by the Polish government in 2022, which raised the tax-free allowance. Due to this change, non-governmental organizations would lose a significant portion of revenue from 1%, and they wouldn’t be able to operate as they have been. Increasing the donation percentage from 1% to 1.5% aims to compensate organizations for this difference and enable them to continue providing assistance on a full scale. This change does not result in any loss for the taxpayer; the 1.5% is deducted from the amount that would have been fully allocated to the state.

Where can I see how the donations from the 1.5% tax have been used?

As a Public Benefit Organization (only donations to PBOs can be allocated the 1.5% tax), we submit annual detailed financial and substantive reports that precisely describe our activities along with the source of funding. You can find all the reports here: Annual Reports Annual Reports 

Zdjęcie z misji humanitarnej: Polska Misja Medyczna jako pomocnik w odbudowie zdrowia społeczności.

Anastazja Treszczanowicz

Donor Relations Specialist

Do you need additional information? Contact us!

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Build aid with us in places where they need it the most.
