Terms of Service
This document defines the terms and conditions for using of the Polish Medical Mission website.
This document defines the terms and conditions for using of the Polish Medical Mission website.
1. This document defines the terms and conditions of using the Polish Medical Mission website.
2. The owner of the Website is the Polish Medical Mission Association in Krakow, ul. Batorego 2/30, 31-135, phone number (+48) 575 222 705, email address: sekretariat@pmm.org.pl.
3. In order to use the Website, please familiarise yourself with these Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. Using the Website means acceptance of the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.
4. Terms used in the Terms of Service shall have the following meanings:
a. Platform – an online platform run by the Service Provider in Polish and English at www.pmm.org.pl;
b. Service Provider – the Polish Medical Mission Association in Krakow, ul. Batorego 2/30, 31-135 Kraków, phone number (+48) 575 222 705, email address: sekretariat@pmm.org.pl;
c. Website – the website at www.pmm.org.pl and any page thereof;
d. User – a natural person (having full legal capacity), a legal entity or an organisational unit without legal personality using the Platform. The User may be a natural person not conducting business activity as well as an entrepreneur;
e. Consumer – in accordance with the Act of 23rd April 1964 the Civil Code – a User being a natural person who concludes through the Platform a legal transaction that is not directly related to their business or professional activity;
f. Terms of Service – this document together with the Privacy Policy, which is an integral part of the Terms of Service. All documents are available on the Website.
5. Users may contact the Service Provider by email: sekretariat@pmm.org.pl.
1. The Service Provider shall provide electronic services to the Users via the Platform.
2. The Website Provider shall not charge any fees for the provision of the Services to the Users.
3. The essence of the Services is to enable access to the Platform via the Internet. Through the Platform, the Provider provides, inter alia, the following types of Services:
a. Newsletter subscription,
b. Contact form,
c. Application form for candidates for volunteers,
d. Donation form.
4. The conclusion of an agreement for the provision of the Newsletter service takes place at the time of taking out a full and correct subscription to the Newsletter via the Platform (while using other Services or in the newsletter subscription window). The agreement shall be concluded for an indefinite period. The User may terminate the agreement for the provision of the aforementioned Services at any time by completing the procedure made available by the Service Provider.
5. Within 14 days from the conclusion of the contract for the provision of the Newsletter Service, the User being a Consumer may withdraw from it without giving any reason.
1.In order to be able to use the Services available through the Website or by means of a mobile device, the User must meet the following technical requirements:
a. have a computer, laptop, mobile phone or other device with Internet access;
b. have access to electronic mail;
c. use a web browser (the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Safari);
d. enable cookies in the browser;
e. have JavaScript enabled.
2. All actions by the Users should be taken in accordance with applicable laws and good manners.
3. Any use of the Platform to the detriment of other Users, the Service Provider or third parties is strictly prohibited.
4. Each User undertakes to:
a. use the shared Platform functionalities and resources in accordance with the purpose of the Platform;
b. comply with the Polish law;
c. have respect for the rights and personal interests of other Users;
d. not act to the detriment of other Users, the Service Provider or third parties.
1. The Service Provider undertakes to take all measures to ensure proper, safe, continuous and error-free access to the Platform.
2. The Service Provider shall have the right to make changes to the Service and the Platform in connection with the ongoing work on improving and upgrading the Platform. In particular, the Service Provider has the right to change the functionality of the Platform.
1. Each User shall be entitled to make a complaint about any irregularities in the operation of the Platform within 14 days of the occurrence of the irregularities. The complaint should be submitted by email to the address: sekretariat@pmm.org.pl. The description of the irregularity should make it possible for the Service Provider to identify the problem and address it.
2. The Service Provider shall consider the complaint within 14 calendar days of receipt of the complaint.
3. In the event of a serious technical error, the Service Provider reserves the right to restrict access to the Platform Service.
4. Any possible errors in the functioning of the Platform, comments and information about the operation of the Platform and the Service, as well as violations of the Terms of Service should be reported to the Service Provider electronically.
1. All materials, including the artwork, layout and arrangement of these components, trademarks and other information available on the Platform and on the Website are the exclusive property of the Service Provider. The components in question are protected by copyright, industrial property rights, including trademark rights and database rights, and as such they are protected by the law.
2. The downloading or use of any of the materials available on the Platform in each case requires written consent of the Service Provider and must not breach the provisions of these Terms of Service or the generally applicable law, nor must it affect the interests of the Service Provider.
3. Any modifications to or copying of the content of the Website is strictly prohibited.
4. Creation of websites and applications similar to or identical with the Platform that mislead the viewers and may give the impression that they come from or are related to the Service Provider is a tort pursuant to the Act on Combating Unfair Competition.
1. In matters not regulated in these Terms of Service, the provisions of generally applicable Polish law shall apply.
2. Any disputes arising out of these Terms of Service and the agreement concluded by the User and the Service Provider shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Poland and Polish courts shall have jurisdiction over all such disputes. The competent court for disputes arising between the Service Provider and the User not being a consumer is the court with jurisdiction over the seat of the Service Provider. The competent court for disputes to which a Consumer is a party is the court competent for the Consumer’s place of residence.
3. These Terms of Service shall apply from 1st March 2020.