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Recurring payment Payment is made automatically each month
Single payment
50 PLN
150 PLN
250 PLN

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How are we building aid?

We are one of the few Polish non-governmental organizations providing medical assistance. We help where the needs are greatest. Our assistance is long-term in nature – bringing lasting changes to the communities we support.

Nasza pomoc w 2023 roku:

noworodków w Ukrainie skorzystało z nowego sprzętu medycznego
lekarzy w Tanzanii zostało przeszkolonych
kobiet w Kolumbii otrzymało wsparcie medyczne

Other forms of supporting Polish Medical Mission

Donate 1,5% of your tax

We provide life-saving assistance. Donate 1.5% of your tax to PMM and help us make a difference.
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Get engaged

Thanks to your commitment, more people will learn about the actions carried out by the Polish Medical Mission, and aid will reach a greater number of individuals.
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Niosąc nadzieję i uśmiech - Polska Misja Medyczna jako źródło wsparcia medycznego.

Start a fundraiser

The Help Mission was created so that our Donors could take initiative into their own hands.
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Wspieramy życie: Polska Misja Medyczna w misji humanitarnego uzdrowienia.

Business partnerships

We establish partnerships with companies whose values align with ours and who share our vision. We aim to build unique partnerships that provide satisfaction to both parties. See how we collaborate with business partners and choose the cooperation form that suits your company best.
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