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COVID-19 – the hunger virus

Reading time
3 minutes

The pandemic has caused over a million deaths, leaving millions of people around the world infected and put at risk. It is especially destructive for the most vulnerable communities.

Many families find it difficult to obtain a livelihood due to a paralysed economy and lack of work, even with minimal income. Since the start of the pandemic, the number of people living in extreme poverty has increased by 150 million. In areas where people previously faced severe food shortages and access to health services, the situation has worsened dynamically.

We can already firmly claim that COVID-19 has another side and it is malnutrition. Children are most vulnerable to the pandemic effects on the hunger and malnutrition. Schools were often the only places where children received meals and basic medical care. The closure of schools as a result of the pandemic not only severely limited children’s access to education, but also limited the access to services which are essential for their survival. The situation of children worsens every day.

fot. Damian Lemański

Help us save children’s lives. We are in Senegal, helping in 20 health centres and ask for help in the purchase of medicines, nutrients, specialized scales, and support organization of nutritional workshops. We are constantly delivering food packages to families in Venezuela and helping children in Syria.

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