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Medics’ mission in Tanzania completed

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Justyna Szumicka from Kraków and Piotr Taborowski from Wejherowo have completed a medical mission at the hospital in Nyangao. The mission in Tanzania lasted less than a month. The journey of the medics was possible thanks to the support of the Polish Aid program of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The urologist and neonatal midwife, in addition to their daily work on the wards, conducted training for local staff, including the use of the ultrasound machine, technique of gown folding, and resuscitation of a newborn. Polish doctors were very warmly welcomed by the hospital staff.

I didn’t not expect such good conditions in the hospital. Despite the great work of the Polish Medical Mission, which improved the operation of the centre in Nyangao, the hospital staff still have to deal with the shortage of specialized medical equipment or disposable materials, such as gauze pads or nappies,”

— says urologist Piotr Taborowski.

By the end of 2020, the Polish Medical Mission’s going to send doctors on missions, e.g. to Myanmar.

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