Polish Medical Mission supports doctors in Polish hospitals
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One of the largest hospitals in the Małopolska province can expect support in the fight against coronavirus. The Polish Medical Mission has decided to donate PLN 10,000 for the purchase of medical supplies for the Stefan Żeromski Specialist Hospital in Krakow. In a few days, a tent donated by the PMM will be placed next to the infectious diseases hospital. The organization is still raising funds for doctors from Polish hospitals.

Field tent from the Polish Medical Mission
By setting up the tent, it will be possible to select patients with suspected coronavirus, and some of them will probably be admitted to hospital. The tent with an area of 30 m2 is capable of accommodating at least 18 people. ‘The most important thing for us was to recognise what the hospital would actually need. It turned out that the tent and the funds for the purchase of protective equipment would be better in this situation than handing over material things.
says Małgorzata Olasińska-Chart from the Polish Medical Mission.
Annually, the PMM missions in Africa, Asia and the Middle East are joined by about 15 medical volunteers who normally work in Polish hospitals or other medical facilities. ‘During the year they help us operate in the poorest countries of the world, so now we want to show them solidarity and help them to buy the necessary medical supplies’
adds Olasińska-Chart.
A few days ago, the Żeromski Specialist Hospital issued an appeal for help in fighting coronavirus. The facility raised PLN 150,000 for the purchase of respiratory support equipment, and yet aid is still needed.
Codziennie w Polsce notuje się kilkadziesiąt nowych zachorowań, a środków medycznych do walki z koronawirusem ubywa – brakuje sprzętu medycznego, maseczek, środków dezynfekujących. Pomóc można w bardzo prosty sposób. Wystarczy przekazać dowolny datek, a jeden z darczyńców PMM podwoi zebraną kwotę.
Every day, dozens of new infections are reported in Poland while the supplies of medical devices to fight coronavirus are depleting – there is a shortage of medical equipment, masks and disinfectants. You can help in a very simple way. Just make any donation and one of the PMM donors will double the amount.
‘I have been supporting medical assistance for many years, and now the most important thing is to help the hospitals. I am sure that Poles will not fail, have shown exceptional solidarity on many occasions’.
adds the donor who wants to remain anonymous
The Polish Medical Mission has already provided financial support to the Stefan Żeromski Hospital in the amount of PLN 10,000 but the needs are still enormous, not only at this hospital in the Małopolska province. A fundraiser has been launched for this purpose. It can be supported on Facebook.

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